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"Wing Chun"

   More than 400 Years Ago, in Central China, a Nun of the Name, Yim Wing Chun, Originated and Established the Art of the Kung-Fu Style,  "Wing Chun". Her Master, Ng Mui, had a Style of Kung-Fu that Yim Wing Chun (who was a smaller Woman) Felt was too Reliant on Power Burst Techniques and was too Complex, so she Developed her own System of Kung-Fu that Focuses One To One's Own Center Line ThroughOut The Aura, Chakras, Meridian Lines, and Bodies, Orbiting around the Vital Organs Core. Horse Meridian Techniques, PeaCock Tail Eyes, Swan Fluidity, Crane Agilities, Leopard Strength, Smooth Iron Dragon ... A Brutal and Effective Method of Fighting with many Combinations of Punches & Kicks, Attacks & Blocks, and QiGong (Chi Cultivation) Techniques that Perpetually Unlock D.N.A. Codes in The Maya-Matrix while The Martial Artist is in the Fluid Grace of the Expression of One's Kiai Call. 

   "Wing Chun" means "(Tribute / Ode to) Beautiful Spring Time". A Blessing Of The Land.

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